When we are in physical pain, we can visit a doctor. When we have perceived unmet needs, we usually end up buying products. Those unmet needs are our pain points. As an online store owner, you are your customers’ doctor. Your eCommerce store is the hospital. Your staff are the nurses and orderlies.

There are many different types of cancer, bone breaks, even allergic reactions. Each requires a specialized treatment plan. Likewise, there are as many customer pain points as there are physical ailments, each needing its own form of resolution.

Before you can apply what I am about to share, you will have to have an in-depth understanding of your customer base. Your niche will determine which of their pain points you should be able to solve. Your goal is to hone your specialty by gaining experience through “treating” your customers.

Let’s take a look at the categories of pain points your customers face and explore examples of how you might solve them.